My theory is that TO DO well you must BE WELL. So I thought about the times in my life where everything was clicking and for the most part, working. What were the commonalities? Here’s the list and I know that it is incomplete, so please add your remarks and share with me your thoughts! 1- Nourish yourself: eat better, supplement regularly. Your brain and body will thank you…now and later! 2- Sleep better: more and more studies are coming out about the benefits of sleep. No you are not cooler the less sleep you need, but you may be fatter! Google it, it’s true. 3- Exercise consistently: it is good to blow it out with some cardio but also strengthen your body, the stronger you feel in it, the better you perform in all areas. 4- Laugh more: kids laugh an average of 300 times a day, adults…5! What? Play more and get away from that god awful boob tube, it is rotting your brain. 5- Sit at your computer less: Except to read this blog. Some people spend 7-8 hours a day at a computer, some because of their job. But if you have a CHOICE, cut back. Physically it is a killer, and most of the time it is just a time sucking waste. 6- Develop and improve your relationships: Brian Grazer (the Hollywood producer) said that his success is totally attributed to the fact that he tries to meet and learn about one new person a day (no, FB stalking does not count.) It is good for your head, your heart and can’t hurt your career. 7- Stop complaining: Complaining is draining. Try to change a complaint to gratitude. Instead of “this traffic sucks” shift it to “this gives me the chance to enjoy this beautiful drive.” Or something like that. Let me know…traffic is still the ultimate button pusher for me, especially those tail gaiters. 8- Create more: Have you set your creative juices to the side because you don’t have the time? Bad idea. Create more, however that looks to you. Energy out…energy back. It will pay off in so many ways. 9- Sit in silence: Our culture loves the type A personality, the grinding, GO GO GO, don’t stop until you achieve it person. What we don’t appreciate so much is the sick and broken down person, which inevitably happens after you dissolve in a puddle from the stress of the perpetual grind. SLOW DOWN, sit, breathe, pray, meditate. Silence is such a gift. Try 10 minutes a day. 10- Listen/read/watch good stuff: There is so much poison out there that we have to offset it with some honey. It is all about progress, not perfection. Because the last thing we need is to feel stressed out about not laughing more, right?! Have a laugh, watch the video, I love the monkey dentist! And then get up and go create some fun!
5/22/2015 03:20:39 pm
Wow! This is exactly what I needed. Thank you, Denice, for being so kind, loving and honest in how you bless the world with your wisdom.
5/22/2015 09:15:33 pm
terrific as usual. Slowing down isn't appealing. Probably necessary. Thank you.
5/23/2015 08:50:02 am
Thank you Dee and Ken for your nice comments! You know, sometimes we realize that we get what we need, not what we want. The weather has been so dreary the last month, I have been dying for sunshine. However, it certainly has given me the opportunity to slow down, read a lot, take a few naps and NOT feel totally guilty!
Judy Johnsin
6/30/2018 04:51:08 pm
Denice...truly enjoy reading these blogs. The video is are absolutely right that we all need more laughter. Thank have a true gift!
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denice chenaultlet yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. -Rumi Archives
February 2018
body & wellness